Trident ENT Hospital


ENT specialists are expert in treating varies diseases of mouth, lips, oral cavity, throat, neck , trachea(wind pipe), oesophagus (food pipe).
Below are the list of few common diseases which patients come across during his/her life.

1)head, and neck cancer. They are mostly seen in people who consume alcohol and any source of tobacco. caner starts with nonhealing ulcer which bleeds on touch. Their are many treatment for its cure such as surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy, depending on the type and stage of cancer.

2)Tonsillitis: Its an infection of the tonsil. It is mostly bacterial. Patients may complain of throat pain, painful swallowing and fever. One should consult ENT specialist for proper diagnosis. Mostly its treated by oral antibiotics but patient may require Intra venous antibiotic also.

3)Thyroid conditions: Swelling of the thyroid is mostly seen in females. They are mostly noncancerous or benign. Patient should consult ENT specialists to get diagnosed. Patient may require surgery which is called as thyroidectomy.

4)Salivary gland stone: Due to calcium deposition the gland duct gets blocked up leading to swelling of the gland. stone less than 3mm in the duct can be removed endoscopically . But larger gland has to be removed surgically.

5)Voice box polyp: Due to repeated friction , some part of the vocal cord swell up leading to nodule which become polyp in later stage. Mostly called as teacher nodule. They are maximum noncancerous and has to be excised by ENT specialists.

Only common diseases has been discussed. There are many diseases which are seen throat and neck. Kindly consult your ENT specialist for more details.